This is a broad term which denotes lightened colour of skin. This includes a variety of conditions e.g. Albinism,Piebaldism, Vitiligo etc. Of all the varieties of Leukoderma,Vitiligo is very common in our country.


  • Mucosal: In this variety, the Mucous membrane and the muco-cutaneousjunctions are only affected.
  • Focal: In this only one or more vitiligo lesions affect a single area.
  • Generalized: This means the whole body or an extensive area of skin indifferent places may be affected either m patches or diffusely. Definite cause is not yet known. From Homoeopathic viewpoint, latent hereditary miasmatic state predominant y syphilis is responsible for Vitiligo. The latent miasmatic state flares up due to suitable environmental factors (exciting causes) like Physical trauma, sunburn,persistent irritation by using tight clothing around waist, excessive smoking etc, Emotional causes like sudden mental shock, disappointed love, persistent worries and anxieties etc.

& The typical lesion of Vitiligo is a chalk-white, round or oval macule with distinct margin (in most cases) and shining white appearance. (b) Trichrome Vitiligo lesion: Three different colours may be visible at the same site of lesion— (i) white (ii) tan and (iii) brown.

Graying of hair due to depigmentation may be present along with Vitiligo The disease is slowly progressive. Focal or mucosal Vitiligo May remain stationery at a particular place for fairly a long time, but may suddenly become generalized initiated by some precipitating factor as already mentioned. Spontaneous partial repigmentation may occur in many cases.

Homeopathically, prognosis is quite favourable. Complete cure may be possible in most cases. But it requires a prolonged course of treatment to cure the patient completely. As such, patience of highest degree is absolutely necessary both on the part of the patient and the physician as well. The initial sign of improvement may take months or even years to manifest, but -once repigmentation starts, the progress of improvement may be very rapid. It has been frequently observed that intermittently the improvement may come to a standstill condition when a change in the plan of treatment may initiate improvement again. However, in no case the patient should be left untreated.
